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PIEAS Ranks Among Top 400 By QS World University Ranking 2020

PIEAS ranks among top 400 universities of the world competing for the first time in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University ranking 2019, 2020.

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Recent Advancements in Neutron Imaging Techniques (ROMES Seminar Series)

The research interests of Dr. Takehiko Saito include Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Experimental Physics. He is a Chief Scientist of the High Energy Nuclear Physics Laboratory at RIKEN. He won many awards such as Chinese MOST-RIKEN funding and Special budget from RIKEN Cluster of Pioneering Research.

Nuclear Physics is a cornerstone of strategic initiatives related to national security, energy independence, and technological innovation. Its relevance extends from maintaining nuclear deterrence and promoting non-proliferation to advancing clean energy solutions and ensuring a nation’s ability to respond to nuclear crises. Therefore, expertise in nuclear physics is indispensable for addressing the complex strategic needs of the modern world. Neutron imaging is crucial for strategic needs due to its unique ability to non-destructively inspect and analyze materials that are otherwise challenging to examine. Neutron imaging techniques will be discussed in this lecture.